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The concept of Jodis program

“Jodis-concentrate” is a high quality mineral water, which according to special technology is enriched by polyatomic ions of iodine, which are easily digested by all living organisms.


Elimination of iodine deficiency is one of the priority tasks of the world community. The mankind attempts to solve this problem for many decades, but it remains relevant today. This can be explained by the fact that there is no complex approach to the problem and it can’t be solved with one single measure due to the reason that iodine must be supplied to the human body consistently and in the required amount during whole life. The special organ —  thyroid body is created by God and provided by nature only for this chemical element.
To lead a full life, the organism of humans, animal, birds, etc. needs a lot of minerals, vitamins and other substances, and they have strictly defined function and the position of  “contractor”.

Iodine is the only chemical element, which is the organizing link — “ the General staff” or “Conductor” of life in all its manifestations and, very importantly, of the mental development of children.

The intense and irrational human activities led to the disruption of natural (optimal) balance of consumption of substances, including iodine in the diet of living organisms.

For example, 100 g of chicken egg from poultry contains 1-25 - mcg. of iodine, when there should be 40-102 - mcg., but this is only possible, if the birds  are kept in natural conditions. There are many such examples, but the most important thing is that we eat these products every day.

The concept of development of Jodis program is significantly different from the traditional solution of the problem of iodine deficiency by one food product, the iodine concentration of which is more than the natural norm, and which is not normal and characteristic for the latter.

That’s why Jodis program is developing in two directions.

First direction.

The conditions are created on the basis of “Jodis-concentrate”. At these conditions at least basic everyday food would contain the norm of iodine, which is appropriate only for it, and in the biochemical form that is easily digested and could not harm the human body in any unordinary situations.

“Jodis-concentrate” is recommended for usage in the production of potable water, table, mineral table water, soft drinks, low alcoholic drinks, alcoholic drinks, bakery products, meat and dairy products at the enterprises of public catering, at cooking in a domestic environment, - for usage in manufacture of other food products, where the manufacturer  uses water, which is intended for preventive nutrition of healthy population and natural treatment of patients, whose diseases are associated with iodine deficiency.

The very important factor is that the technology of production of the above mentioned products does not fundamentally change with usage of “Jodis-concentrate” for these products.

The second direction.

  1. Obtainment of the final optimally-iodized food products naturally in livestock and poultry. The concept of this direction is the feeding of birds and animals with water iodinated with  “Jodis-concentrate” or mixing “Jodis-concentrate” with food, with the purpose of obtaining of iodized natural products (milk, meat, eggs, etc.).
  2. B. Obtainment of iodized products in crop production. The bottom line is the pre-seeding treatment of seeds and vegetating plants, as well as complex usage of “Jodis-concentrate” along with environmentally friendly fertilizers and other chemicals.

This complex approach to the problem solves the problem with high economic and environmental performance indexes.

International industrial concern  “Yark-Kyiv” and Scientific and production company “Jodis” are the developers of the Jodis program and the producers of “Jodis-concentrate” according to technical specifications of Ukraine ÒÓ Ó 14326060.003– 98 or ÒÓ Ó 15.9-30631018-007:2005. Any illegal substances and materials are not used in “Jodis-concentrate” production process and its use in the food industry does not threaten the health of the consumer. Usage of “Jodis-concentrate” is carried out according to instructions UA 1-05-2001. The product is certified and patented.

Positive qualities of the product are: thermal stability, simplicity and reliability of its use, the impossibility of iodine overdose, high and stable biological activity at low concentrations, but most important is that long-continued preventive use of products under the brand name “Jodis” did not give any negative result.